Choosing to Restructure your Teams

If your business isn’t running as smoothly as you would like it to, you might need to rethink your strategy. A big part of your strategy is your staff members, so have a think about how you can utilise them as well as possible.

Many people associate the term ‘restructuring’ as being to do with redundancies. This isn’t necessarily true – you don’t need to let go of any staff members. It is more a case of redistributing them and thinking about how their talents are best used. In fact, it could even be the case that you might decide to hire more members of staff. A specific department may be lacking the managerial structure it needs, or you may decide that you have to get some more people in behind the scenes for analysis and business strategy. You could also consider asking members of staff what they feel their strengths are and where they’d like to be in the business.